Artisanat ou fait-main : quelle est la différence ?

Craft or handmade: what’s the difference?

When looking for designer jewelry, you often come across the terms “handmade” and “artisanal.” These words sound similar, but the distinction is crucial, and it lies in the manufacturing process.

What is craftsmanship?

For a piece of jewelry to be truly handcrafted, it must be designed from raw materials by a qualified professional who has mastered specific know-how.

And what about handmade?

A handmade jewel is the result of an assembly of prefabricated elements, which may have been industrially produced. This does not mean that it has no value, but the process is more accessible, faster, less creative, and does not require the transformation of the material.

Craftsmanship is slow, thoughtful and often expensive work.

It is a choice that values ​​know-how. Depending on your budget and your desires, you could prefer craftsmanship or turn to handmade objects.

In the world of jewelry, these distinctions can be subtle, which is why it's important to understand what you're buying, and appreciate the time and expertise that goes into each piece.

You will have understood, I think 😇 : my jewelry is a craft! I use concrete powder, which I hydrate, and I pour the mixture into molds that I designed and made. Beyond the choice of shapes, the creative aspect comes from the associations of materials, the play of textures and colors. 

The manufacturing process is complex, and requires between 5 and 10 steps depending on the parts. 

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